
the world is my sonic playground.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

moving day...

i've probably lost a bulk of my readers because of the unexpected termination of my host. i totally forgot that my lease was up in january. anyways, spread the word if you've found me, although it's not like i had that many readers to begin with. for now, the posts are still here on the blogger server, its just that i've gone back to the standard vp2k.blogspot.com address.

i'm currently playing around with wordpress, which i like a lot. it has unregistered commenting, intuitive controls, no ads, a built in counter, and a boatload of other goodies. pretty wicked, but that means i'll have to move all my posts over. also at the moment wordpress doesn't offer HTML editing, so we'll see where that goes. anyways, the wordpress addy is at sonicplayground.wordpress.com.

because of college apps, i haven't been able to post that much, but expect that to change very soon.

by the way, sigur ros is playing at the bass performance hall in february.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

totally unexpected

i never thought that i'd be listening to a bluegrass album and a christmas jazz album while studying for exams, but they're just so damn good! the guys at head-fi have impeccable tastes, and these albums truly bring out the best qualities of my senn 497s.

Alison Krauss and Union Station - Home on the Highways

Diana Krall - Christmas Songs

i swear i still have my balls.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

holy mackerel!

wow... how could i have forgotten about doves when i was compiling my top 10 list? i only spent half my summer listening to it.

doves - some cities

the anthems on this album are impressively vast in scope. great melodies and rythym make for an incredibly catchy british rock album.

i think i'm gonna substitute this for the my morning jacket album simply because i spent so much more time with it.

Friday, December 09, 2005

this title thing is annoying

fort minor - the rising tied

mike shinoda's side project produced by jay-z. eh, its not indie, but give me a break. i was a huge LP fan in middle school. funny enough, my LP experience actually started out pretty indie. i remember seeing the album being one of those $6 specials at target. i''ve bought my fair share of those, and most aren't that memorable. (prime sth, anyone? didn't think so.) needless to say, LP was a little different. i wasn't really suprised that they ended up going platinum 35 times. i lent that cd out and never got it back though. so whoever has my original copy of hybrid theory, you can run but you can't hide.

anyways, i wasn't expecting much but i was pleasantly suprised. the beats are very well produced, with some wicked drum beats and samples. shinoda can also drop a pretty good rhyme too. pretty catchy stuff, although it probably isn't what i'd listen to normally. it's a little early to be passing final judgement, but so far i like what i hear.