this title thing is annoying

fort minor - the rising tied
mike shinoda's side project produced by jay-z. eh, its not indie, but give me a break. i was a huge LP fan in middle school. funny enough, my LP experience actually started out pretty indie. i remember seeing the album being one of those $6 specials at target. i''ve bought my fair share of those, and most aren't that memorable. (prime sth, anyone? didn't think so.) needless to say, LP was a little different. i wasn't really suprised that they ended up going platinum 35 times. i lent that cd out and never got it back though. so whoever has my original copy of hybrid theory, you can run but you can't hide.
anyways, i wasn't expecting much but i was pleasantly suprised. the beats are very well produced, with some wicked drum beats and samples. shinoda can also drop a pretty good rhyme too. pretty catchy stuff, although it probably isn't what i'd listen to normally. it's a little early to be passing final judgement, but so far i like what i hear.
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